Small changes, Big Impact
Start the New Year by setting speech and language resolutions for your child! Whether it’s encouraging their first words, expanding their vocabulary, or improving speech clarity, small daily changes can lead to big progress. Check out our tips to make these goals part of your routine and celebrate every step forward!
Toys: How much is too much?
This holiday season, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to buy all the toys for your child. However, research and experience suggest that less is more when it comes to fostering creativity and development. Limiting toys encourages deeper play, better attention spans, and improved problem-solving skills, while carefully selecting developmentally appropriate toys can support language and learning. Discover how fewer, thoughtfully chosen toys can create a richer, more meaningful play experience for your child—and simplify your holiday gift-giving.
The Magic of play!
Explore how play can be a powerful tool for language development, providing natural opportunities for children to build vocabulary, practice communication, and boost confidence. By using intentional language during various types of play—like imaginative, physical, and constructive activities—parents can help foster essential communication skills in a fun, engaging way.
Keeping Routine Language… Routine
Discover how incorporating language development into daily routines—like mealtimes, bath time, and getting dressed—can boost your child’s vocabulary and communication skills.
Embedding Speech & Language in Activities of Early Language Learners
In this blog post, we will discuss ways to incorporate speech and language into activities of daily living for toddlers and preschoolers.
Screen Time
In this blog post, we are going to discuss how screen time can be a deterrent to a child's ability to acquire and develop speech and language skills.
Simplifying Language
In this blog post, we are going to talk about two ways we can simplify language for children that will promote better language learning: changing our current language models and providing new child models.
Receptive vs. Expressive Language Guide
Language and communication are some of the greatest gifts and blessings that we have: the ability to connect with one another, love one another, console one another and even, when necessary, argue with one another. While these gifts develop naturally for some of us, that isn’t always the case. For others, some assistance may be needed. Language can be broken down into two major parts: Receptive Language and Expressive Language. In this blog post we’ll be diving a little deeper into each and their importance.
A Parent’s Guide To Autism Symptoms
The word autism gets thrown around more often than I have ever heard from parents, teachers, babysitters, and even strangers. With such a wide range of variety in symptoms, behaviors and experiences amongst children with autism, our objective with this blog post is to dive into the symptoms and behaviors that are most common in order to help you to identify these behaviors in your own child and also learn how to best handle them.
New to Speech Therapy? What to Expect
Entering the world of speech therapy can feel overwhelming, especially when it's new territory for you and your child. But rest assured, it's a journey filled with hope and progress. In this blog post, we will discuss what you can expect while on this journey with your child.